This is how the sauce is made ;)

Mission & Terms

Setting levels and expectations, and we welcome you to opt-in. This is also how the sauce is made.

Our Mission

Our mission is to feed the people.  To do this, we operate a vertically integrated supply of preserved and fresh foods from the farm and garden, organize a member supported CSA– we bring the farm to your plate.  We have a network of related skills and consultants, and Ica is available for low-volume seasonal and specialty catering.

We produce food for home consumption, preserved and sealed in shelf stable jars good for up to a year– but we hope you don’t wait that long to enjoy them!  All items should be refrigerated after opening. We capture the flavors and colors of peak season fruits and vegetables in small batch production, and operate as a Louisiana Cottage Food Operation.

We produce sauces, jams, pickles, seasonings, and condiments usually.

Where is GroNola?

We are rooted in the CSA and we are our members.  We don’t have a brick and mortar location, we can be found online here,  there are links on the socials, and we vend at some area markets throughout the year. 

You may reserve and pre-pay food goods offered here but as a CFO in Louisiana we may not ship or mail foods and really only sell them in-person when you pick-up.

Non-food items, when offered, may be purchased on pick0up and may also be shipped via USPS Priority Mail.

Your Data

Our website can only be opened securely in your browser , and all of the underlying communications related to your order is encrypted. That being said it is good to know more about how your data is treated and used.

Directory info

We know enough about your address and contact info to find you since you probably have a login and have entered this information for orders.  This is commonly known as  directory information and is more or less public so no real risk there.

Shopping preferences

We know enough over time about what you like in the range of products we make, or actually, what you have purchased anyway.  In the end we are a provider of real food and authentic general supply.  We have no intention of sharing anything about your grocery order history– excepting of our obvious efforts to make the jam, pickle, sauce, or condiment that we know you love.


We do not hold any electronic bank information or details of your payment methods.  All of that information is passed securely from you directly to Square or PayPal via Snipcart, our Payment and Cart providers and is not saved in our database or servers.


We would include you in our direct email newsletter and announcements.  We send a newsletter about twice a month announcing the next CSA share and any market news.  It may be sent as an email, or a post to a social, it comes from the Mailchimp service, and is copied to Ica’s email so you can always reach us.  You can also Unsubscribe, see the bottom of the newsletter for the link.


Please use the Contact Us page to subscribe.  Also, if you are not subscribing or purchasing then we are not saving anything identifying about you at all.